I used to be pretty technically competent. Being a stay-at-home mom for nearly five years now, I've been able to get by with the basics. Buuut, it hit me yesterday. I am officially out-of-date! Noooo! Does this mean I'm getting old? I feel like my parents, when we all started using pagers (yep, I said it), and cell phones and they had no clue how to use them!

I found an awesome new online service for a couple of my clients' newsletters, to make them more streamlined, smartphone-friendly, etc, etc, so I was anxious to get familiar with it and get the first newsletter launched. Then I got stuck. I couldn't drag the "content boxes." Welp, an hour later, after chatting with the support team, downloading this and installing that, it turns out Safari is beyond outdated...and I didn't even have Google Chrome! So now I have it. And I am using it. Except I keep getting notices that it will no longer be updated because my computer software is outdated. Oh the joys of tehnology.

But it got me thinking...what do you all do to ensure your home computer is up to par? And for those of you who run a home-based business like I do, how do you go about your "IT" needs? I'd love the feedback!

Anyhoo, aside from my little setback, you will be pleased to know the online newsletters are looking fabulous. If you ever have a need for direct email campaigning, check out Mailchimp (www.mailchimp.com). It's totally free, and, from what I've seen so far, is pretty awesome and "old-person-friendly" at that!